
PhD Student

Curriculum vitae

Interaction Design and Software Engineering

Chalmers University of Technology

"Designerly Ways of Knowing": First-Person Explorations in Design Epistemology and Education

As a side project, I focus on exploring HCI through the use of first-person methods. I engage with many "designerly ways of knowing". Subsequently, the topic of design epistemology is primary to my work.

To this end, I use methods such as auto-ethnography and graphic diaries, and approaches such as soma design.

This project also includes a focus on design education and intermediate-level knowledge.


Designerly Ways of Knowing in HCI Education: A Case Study of a Peer Community-Based Studio

M. Gamboa, S. Ljungblad

Frontiers in Computer Science, 2022

The State of the (CHI)Art

M. Sturdee, Makayla M. Lewis, M. Gamboa, Thuong N. Hoang, J. Miers, Ilja Smorgun, Pranjal Jain, Angelika Strohmayer, S. Alaoui, Christina Wodtke

CHI Extended Abstracts, 2022

Collection of Metaphors for Human-Robot Interaction

Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, M. Lupetti, Michal Luria, Diana Löffler, M. Gamboa, Lea Albaugh, Waki Kamino, Anastasia K. Ostrowski, David Puljiz, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, Marcus M. Scheunemann, Michael Suguitan, Dan Lockton

Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2021

Azalea: Co-experience in Remote Dialog through Diminished Reality and Somaesthetic Interaction Design

Sjoerd Hendriks, Simon Mare, M. Gamboa, Mehmet Aydýn Baytaþ

CHI, 2021

Azalea: Co-experiencing Embodied Information in Remote Communication

Simon Mare, Sjoerd Hendriks, Mehmet Aydin Baytas, Mafalda Samuelsson-Gamboa

MobileHCI, 2020


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